9 Quotes & Sayings By Jose Marti

Jose Marti was born in Havana on January 31, 1853, and died in Mexico City on December 20, 1895. He is considered the "Father of Cuban Independence," and also became one of the best known heroes of Cuba's war for independence from Spain. He was a prolific writer and an important influence on Latin American literature. His writings include essays, poetry, and translations into Spanish and French.

Other famous men, those of much talk and few deeds, soon evaporate. Action is the dignity of greatness. Jose Marti
But when women are moved and lend help, when women, who are by nature calm and controlled, give encouragement and applause, when virtuous and knowledgeable women grace the endeavor with their sweet love, then it is invincible. Jose Marti
An insatiable appetite for glory leads to sacrifice and death, but innate instinct leads to self-preservation and life. Jose Marti
There is happiness in duty, although it may not seem so. Jose Marti
The struggles waged by nations are weak only when they lack support in the hearts of their women. Jose Marti
Just as he who gives his life to serve a great idea is admirable, he who avails himself of a great idea to serve his personal hopes of glory and power is abominable, even if he too risks his life. Jose Marti
He who receives money in trust to administer for the benefit of its owner, and uses it either for his own interest or against the wishes of its rightful owner, is a thief. Jose Marti
Men are like the stars some generate their own light while others reflect the brilliance they receive. Jose Marti